
Senioritis: noun, a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance.

Hmmmm... Is this weird word really a thing? Is it really possible to just give up your senior year? And if not, why are so many seniors doing it then? 

As a fairly self-motivated student all my life, this year is no different. Before school started, I made myself promise to take it easy this semester - to ease up on the course load. 


I somehow ended up with 3 APs (which... I know, isn't that bad for everyone, but...), 1 dual enrollment class (which is a half hour drive there, and half hour drive back, 2 times a week, 3 hours each class session), and 2 independent study class (1 consisting of a senior project). 

Okay. So yeah. And on top of all of that fun, there's the added bonus of applying to colleges! Which is just SO FUN. 

Surprisingly, I didn't just say of all this to brag. No. 

Growing up with diabetes has actually transferred heavily onto my academic life. Through diabetes, I learned vital responsibility skills, how to manage my time and keep track of data, the importance of hard work and seeing the results, and why it is necessary to always try your best. 

Without diabetes, I'm not sure where I would be. Most of the time, I complain about having to have grown up with this cumbersome disease. But it has definitely helped me tremendously through the years. If not for my diabetes, I could definitely see myself as someone catching a bad, bad case of senioritis midway sophomore year. 

So... Thanks Diabetes? 

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