FINALLY Actually Getting Independence

If you've read my blog, you've probably stumbled across one post or another about how diabetes has limited my life by affecting what I have been able to do - from not being able to go to sleepovers to always having my parents linger around, etc.

If you've read my blog, you've probably also stumbled across one post or another about how I have slowly been gaining more experience and knowledge about diabetes over the years.

But really, what have I done? I've still never gone to any sleepovers at friends' houses. I've still never traveled anywhere far without my parents. I've still never really proved that diabetes is not holding me back (I'm now being a little insy bit dramatic to emphasize the importance of what I'm going to say next... please bear with me).


This summer I will be traveling to EUROPE!!!!!!! on my own without my parents!

I know, you're probably waiting for me to say just kidding, or that my parents will be there, or there will be some catch.

But it's true! I'm. Going. To. Belgium. Without. My. Parents. This. Summer. !!!!!!

I still can't believe it! But I feel so fortunate to have such great parents who trust me and who have helped me become more responsible to this point in my life! I am also so thankful for my endocronologist, Dr. Prakasam for helping my family for so many years and convincing my parents to let me go!

Anyway, I'll be writing more posts as I slowly get closer to the takeoff date this summer on preparation, things I have done, etc. that will hopefully be helpful for my readers!

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