Taking Standardized Tests (SAT/ACT) With Type 1 Diabetes

One thing that may be more difficult, tiring, and stressful than being a Type 1 Diabetic is being a high schooler bombarded with the stress of future and college. When I was a high school junior, I was been presented with more and more obstacles and tasks I needed to complete for college - one thing specifically is taking standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT. However, being a diabetic added more work and stress for me. While I manage my diabetes relatively well, within range, and steadily, the inevitable fact is that my blood sugars do what my blood sugars want to do. What this essentially means is that during important moments in my life, such as taking the SAT or ACT, my blood sugar sometimes spiked up or down, causing my performance to go down and not effectively reflecting my true score.

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