What Do I Want To Do With My Life... Answering The Deep Questions

As a current senior in high school, I have been bombarded with the endless stress associated with college applications. From applying for scholarships and financial aid to writing the seemingless endless essays, I constantly feel overwhelmed.

However, one of the most stressful aspects of this transition is deciding on what to major in.

I mean, these colleges are basically asking me, "What do you want to do for the Rest. Of. Your. Life?" 

How can anyone answer that question at seventeen years old? I don't even know who I am as a person yet. I'm uncertain about what cereal is my favorite, what brand of shoes I should buy, which store I want to shop at... the list is endless.

The only thing I'm truly certain about in life is that...

Oh yeah no that's right. I'm not truly certain about anything. What teenager is?

So what's up with this rant you may ask, and how does it have to do with diabetes?

For the first half of my life, I was always so certain that I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field - to be an endocronologist! To find a cure for diabetes! To help those who are struggling like me everyday!

However, as I've aged, I've come to realize the medical field may not be right for me.

What might be right for me, however, is the judicial, legislative, and law. Social sciences. Public speaking.

I have always been interested in the way government works, the ways the human brain thinks, the ways we act, how laws go into play - you know, all that fun stuff.

During my younger adolescent, middle school years, I felt conflicted because I have always wanted to help diabetics in some way or another, and I made myself believe that becoming a doctor and working in the medical field was the only way.

As I've aged, however, I've come to realize that I can help out others like me through legislation, through public speaking, through law, the list is endless!

Long story short: Even though I may not know exactly what I want to do with my life yet, I know that I want to help make a positive difference in this world, help diabetics battle this disease, and make their lives easier. I also know that I'm interested in things like the legislative process, social sciences, and public speaking. I know that if I put my mind to it, I can help make a difference in this world, and combine my passion with helping others.

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