Diabetes and Testing

By this title, any diabetic would assume that "testing" is referring to blood sugar. However, today I will be discussing actual test taking, specifically standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT.

As a high school junior SUPER stressed out this year, I'm getting ready to take the SAT. Like everyone else, I study for hours and as a result get an average of two hours of sleep a night (only a little bit exaggerating). Anyway, as a diabetic, another factor I have to worry about is the actual testing and diabetes.

Because SAT and ACT tests are extremely serious, I worry about my blood sugars dropping an affecting my performance. Another thing I have to worry about is during the actual test, what if something happens and I don't notice (low BG, high BG, etc.). Because these tests are timed, it's not as if I can sit there making sure my blood sugar levels are in the perfect testing levels as I will be focusing on the test, of course!

Diabetes is annoying.

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